Thursday, March 01, 2007

Exhausted...check in

In case you've been wondering, I've been busy lately. Went for med school interview at UM, and an interview for anesthesiology assistant in Boston. Just got back from the Mass. Tired.

Here's some notes about stuff:
  • Important, congrats to my pal Hales, who is expecting a child. Congrats, Mr. and Mrs. W, may your first child be a masculine child.
  • I don't think I'll make it into med school this year, but the anest. program seems pretty positive. I don't think I want to live in Boston, though.
  • Chowder...not that impressive. Seems like the same soup that's served at Legal Seafood.
  • Queen size beds are nice. I love beds where you can sleep perpendicular or parallel to the headboard.
  • After hearing about this phenomenon from a friend, I've taken to driving while having the radio cycle through seek ad nauseum.
  • Al Gore: so he's an energy hog. Doesn't mean global warming isn't occurring. On some radio talk show today, I heard someone mention that Ed Beagley Jr. lives a green lifestyle, therefore he should have been the presenter in "An Inconvenient Truth." Dumb idea, because not many people would be interested in the documentary without Gore's drawing power. Also, conservatives, if you're going to point fingers about integrity and truthfulness, you ought to make sure your house is in order. Not saying that Gore's carbon footprint isn't obnoxious, but he's just the first guy that America's listening too...he's not the embodiment of the eco-friendly movement.

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