Wednesday, June 20, 2007

You know, it's so peaceful in the Middle East...

Seriously, denizens of the Middle East and/or followers of the prophet Mohammad, don't you have enough to deal with than to get all riled up about "The Satanic Verses"?

The knighting of Salmon Rushdie is, like, such a big deal that several Iman dudes are totally calling for his death. Whoa.

The reason I use the dumb surfer guy voice (at least in my head) is because this is just plain stupid, like having a surf shop in Omaha.

Rushdie is a great writer. His works are studied and provoke thought. He is an important 20th century writer. Yet, because some bushy bearded radicals don't like Rushdie's words, all these people get huffy and demand some sort of "be sensitive to our Muslim ways, please, or we'll blow you up" demonstration.

This is for a British knighthood. They give knighthoods to pop stars and soccer managers. Really, how much significance is that?!! It would be like the National Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Alliance protesting a Grammy for Adam Levine. Know you, cause the Maroon 5 singer said that he wishes he were gay for the fashion and culture.

I get how the Western world have done some messed up things against Muslims. There are tremendous sins that the West needs to address to acheive some level of understanding. But there has also got to be a semblence of sanity. You can't go being overly sensitive and expect any sort of dialogue.

A Taliban spokesman said: "We ... consider this another major affront to Islam by the infidels."

Taliban needs to get a life. Dude, come out of your caves, let your women wear more sexy burkahs, and freakin' have a party or something.

Rushdie is an author, past his prime, who should be able to enjoy his awards and honors without causing a temper tantrum from some overly sensitive wackos.

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