Friday, April 07, 2006

A vote for this guy is a vote for...this guy

Not as well remembered in my brain as Boris Zubov, WWF legend Nikolai Volkoff has announced his canidancy for House of Delegates in Maryland. So, if you are in the Seventh District, and you really really liked old wrestling dudes who sang the USSR national anthem and stomped with jet black boots, then Volkoff is your man!

If only the Iron Sheik would run with Volkoff...

Link to story:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do we even have elections? I say make Vince McMahon King of Earth. Then he could put his out of work wrestlers to the task of enforcing the rule of law. Upside: all the hot women would be wearing bikinis. Downside: we'd have morons running the government. Oh wait . . .