Monday, October 02, 2006

Time for some QUICK HITS

  • Went to the Ravens Chargers game Sunday. Such a spectacle, a pagentry of beer bellies, obnoxious behavior, and meat-laden grills, all in the parking lot. The game was fantastic, though sitting next to one of the handful of Charger fans was not quite kosher (happy Yom Kippur). Oh, and to the stupid drunk guy who was making fun of said Charger fan, just know that he's going to make a whole lot money than your white-trashy person will ever acquire.
  • The class divisions between poor and rich can be separated additionally into educated vs. uneducated. For you uneducated poor or rich people, stop voting.
  • Who doesn't like Built to Spill?
  • My fish have mouth fungus.
  • Standardchuck maxim of the day (#44, subcontext a): drinking at 9am is not acceptable ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesus, it's about time ... I'm tired of opening your site to see that handsome gentleman with the razor-sharp haircut and goatee ... Just tired.

Anyway, I would like Built to Spill, except there was a period where, if I was involved with anyone, a listen to "Keep It Like a Secret" would invariably precede a meltdown in the relationship. After a couple of times, I put the band down. A very strange correlation, but I'm not taking my chances.