Saturday, March 04, 2006

Hard Sleep/Random Zombie Ramble

Waking up in the mid-afternoon. I can't seem to get my circadian cycle to fit in with the rest of the natural world. Been happening since the last year of high school. Can't break habit. Must rest. Restlessness. Destroying. Normalcy.

Why does it seem that there are different types of sleep? More specifically, what kind of sleeping am I doing when I wake up with my neck, back, and knees aching with discomfort? Perhaps consciousness is a dream and I am merely falling awake. Perhaps I have finally joined the ranks of the walking un-awake.

Zombies. Of all the creations of horror movies and stories, zombies frighten me the most. I think that there is something to be said about their mindless stumble toward human sweet meat. But of all the zombies in all the movies, I think some of them really outshone the others. So, in honor of the proximity of Les Oscars, here are my nominees for various zombie movie awards.

Scariest Zombies
A. Dawn of the Dead (remake)
B. 28 Days Later
C. Night of the Living Dead (original)
D. Zombie (1979)

Funkiest Zombies: Hands down, the winners are the zombies from Michael Jackson's Thriller, followed by Peter Jackson's Dead Alive.

Sexiest Zombie: Easily Tara Reid

Coolest Zombie Spoken Scene:
A. Brains Brains Brains from Night of the Living Dead (Remake)
B. I'm going to swallow your soul in Army of Darkness
C. Crazy little girl roar in Dawn of the Dead (Remake)
D. Anything uttered in Plan 9
E. George W's pitch perfect zombie yowl in State of the Union (04)


Anonymous said...

This is right up your alley, then, Chuck:

Pop Startled said...

You know, Reagan somehow looks better