Sunday, March 12, 2006

Who so ever believed in me...

Every wonder about the effects of confluence, or the meeting of two or more things in a single point, on day to day life? Take, for example, any of the numerous essays by James Burke in "Circles." For a more mundane example, how about this:

Woke today after my upstairs neighbors decided to have a party that rocked until 4am, thus rephase, woke after barely sleeping. Today is the day before P-Day, the eve prior to a possible familial cataclysm, and I need to have my wits upon me, as William Wallace would say.

Truthfully, the partying didn't bother me so much, as Bravo decided to show Braveheart at 1am (at that hour, why not have the cursing and the gratuitous violence...there aren't any toddlers hanging around the telly at that hour...except for toddlers who have irresponsible parents, who wouldn't really care if their child watched an Englishman's skull being bashed in old school style).

Whilst shuffling about this morning, I realized that I was preparing my room for the wrong reason. THEY (the P1 generation to my F1) wanted a spic-and-span room, one in which everything is in its place, and nothing is out of place. I would be much more comfortable residing in a grimy hovel.

So, I started a mental rebellion. I imagined making the room as dirty as possible, including importing in some fresh Scottish peat to cover the floor, giving the room a perceptible swampy vibe. The ambiance would have been refreshing.

While in the middle of the dream, I come to with a startling realization. I was moving things around from point A to B when I noticed in my right hand a tape dispenser (Scotch Tape!) and an aerosol container that promised to coat certain objects with a layer of Scotch Guard. Really.

Thus, the existence of God: This intersection of fact and fiction, with the backing of my reading a book (hardly a book, more a pulp) called Angels and Demons by the author of DaVinci Code, Dan Brown. In it, there are references to specific coincidences that shape up to prove a conspiracy. Isn't that what its all about?

Find meaning in anything and truly believe, people!

- This message from the Ad Council of Faith and Interdependence

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