Wednesday, November 01, 2006

On Video Games

There is a station on the cable television, called G4, that focuses on the world of video games. "Really?!!" you say, shaking your cooler than thou head with a dismissive panache, "so its all RPG all the time, hosted by greasy guys with pizza bellies, right?"

"Absolutely not," I reply earnestly, "the shows are all hosted by smarmy nerd-chic skinny guys and ridiculously hot women who actually seem to enjoy gaming."

Yes, that's right, a world of pretty people who actually enjoy the anti-athletic activity of mashing buttons.

"Huh, so you're doing an advertisement or something," you dismissively utter between sips from a vente mochaccino.

No, that is not the point of this blog. Rather, I'm curious, how much further can graphical quality improve in the future of video game design?

Here's a graphic depiction of the evolution of graphic capabilities (in other words, how pretty the pictures are...)



Playstation 2

Playstation 3

Isn't it entirely possible, like the dramatic development of other technological advances, video graphics is approaching the apex of exponential growth? There's only smaller improvements that can be made, in my opinion. Look at the video graphics of PS3 and Xbox 360 games. How much improvement is there to be made?

Can't wait to get my hands on the "tres."

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